Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Top 10 Management Fears About Enterprise Web 2.0

Technological Barriers

1. How can I be certain that the information that is gathered and shared behind the firewall stays behind the firewall?

2. How do I control who has access to particular levels of information and databases?

3. How do I protect the integrity of the information from malicious tampering by disgrunted employees or managers?

4. How can I be sure that information is being “tagged” properly for efficient retrieval later?

5. What kind of training do employees need before they can effectively use the technology?

Cultural Barriers

6. How can I monitor the system to make certain that what individuals are saying and sharing reflects company policy?

7. What are the legal dangers in saving and sharing so much loosely supervised input?

8. How do I distinguish “productive” use of the technology from horsing around?

9. How do I “manage” the gathering and disseminating of so much unstructured information?

10. How do I know if I’m getting my money’s worth out of the investment in technology?


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